metacarpal bone

英 美
  • 掌骨
  • metabasis [医]转移,病状转变
  • metabiology n.[哲]超生物学;建筑在生物学上的认识论
  • metabiosis n.[生]后继共生;半共生;随从生活
  • metabolic adj.新陈代谢的
  • metabolise vt.使代谢;使变形=metabolize(美).
  1. any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers

    1. Metacarpal through the media, you can see the phone in the latest and most comprehensive entertainment hotspots.
    2. Some authors hae suggested that a pure rotational malunion of the phalanges can be corrected with a rotational osteotomy at the metacarpal leel.

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