
英['mɒnæd] 美['mɑːnæd]
  • n. 单位;单一体;单细胞生物;一价原子
monadic monadically monadism
  • mona n.莫娜(女子名)n.[动]白腹长尾猴(西非常见的一种长尾猴)MonaPassage.n.莫纳海峡(在拉丁美洲的海地岛和波多黎各岛之间)
  • monacal n.僧侣;修道士adj.庙宇的
  • monacan adj.摩纳哥的
  • monachal adj.出家的;僧院的
  • monachism n.修道生活;出家生活
  1. (chemistry) an atom having a valence of one

  2. a singular metaphysical entity from which material properties are said to derive

  3. (biology) a single-celled microorganism (especially a flagellate protozoan)

1. There are twelve Monad, each representing a race having survived the divine wars as mortal.
一共有12个月, 每个月代表了一个种族在战争中幸免于难.
