
英['mɔːfɪŋ] 美['mɔːfɪŋ]
  • n.[计]变形
  • mor n.粗腐殖质(森林中的浮层土壤)mor.abbr.道中间的;中间立场的(=middle-of-the-road)
  • mor-phology 形态学
  • Mor. =Mor.;abbr
  • Mor.dict. 用法口授
  • mora n.[语]莫勒(表示时间的节律系统中最小的音节单位)
动词 morph:
  1. cause to change shape in a computer animation

  2. change shape as via computer animation

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. In the Timeline view, double-click on a cell in the morphing sequence.
    2. A novel method to evaluate image morphing reality is presented in this paper.