
英['muːvɪŋp'ɪktʃəz] 美['muːvɪŋp'ɪktʃəz]
  • 动画片
  • guide n.向导;导游;指南;指导者vt.指导;引导;为...领路vi.作导游
  • moving adj.移动的;使...移动的;令人感动的动词move的现在分词形式
  • rail n.栏杆;扶手;铁轨v.抱怨;责骂;以横木围栏;铺铁轨
名词 moving picture:
  1. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement

    1. Minkoff keeps things moving at a brisk pace, and he certainly knows how to integrate the live-action sequences with the digitally animated ones.