night club

英 美
  • 夜总会
  • niger n.尼日尔(非洲中西部国家)
  • nigeria n.尼日利亚
  • nigerian n.尼日利亚人adj.尼日利亚的
  • nigerianize vt.使尼日利亚化;把...置于尼日利亚政府(或商业界)控制(或管理)之下
  • nigerien n.尼日尔人adj.尼日尔的;尼日尔人的
  1. a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink;

    "don't expect a good meal at a cabaret"
    "the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night"
    "he played the drums at a jazz club"

    1. Police raided the night club last night.
    2. You are welcome to Dong Fang Night Club.

night club的相关资料:
