
英 美
  • adj.偏心的;不平衡的;不对称的;偏离中心的adv.偏心地;不平衡地;不对称地;偏离中心地v.偏心;不平衡;不对称;偏离中心;中心偏移;光栅偏移
  • off adv.表示状态的关闭或离开prep.离开;在...之外adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的v.离开;脱下
  • off- comb.表示"不在...上"
  • off-again n.动摇不定
  • off-air n.废空气
  • off-airways 偏离航路
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The same red acts as a counterbalance in the centre of the house on one wall of the stair.
    2. The application of abstraction principle should be confined if the interests between the two pasties are off balance.
    3. Still, this beautiful digital image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries in impressive detail.
    用作副词 (adv.)
    1. Authoritarian parents are better off trying for a more balanced approach.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Here, free electrons rub off the con ductor and create a charge imbalance that causes the current flow.
    2. The assumed principle of operation is that the SD pushes back or shuts off unbalanced signal power which appears on the center tap of the output transformer.
