oil well pump

英 美
  • n.抽油泵
  • oil n.油;油画颜料;奉承话v.涂油;溶化;加油
  • pump n.泵;抽水机;打气筒;抽水;打气v.打气;唧筒般运动;灌输;抽取;增加;盘问
  • well adv.很好地;相当地int.好吧;啊adj.健康的;良好的;适宜的n.井;源泉;楼梯井v.涌出
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. To add a new unit under the pump,it makes the oil tube telescopes elastically as the oil well pump moves up and down.
    2. The electric heating subsurface pump is a pump combining the monobarrel pump with the electric heating sucker rod.