
英[ɒlɪgəʊ'maɪsɪn] 美[ˌɒlɪgoʊ'maɪsən]
  • n. [微]寡霉素
  • oligarch n.寡头政治执政者(支持者)
  • oligarchy n.寡头政治;寡头集团;寡头统治的国家
  • oligemia n.血量减少
  • oligidic adj.[化](除水外)活性组分在化学方面未定的
  • oligocene n.渐新世;渐渐统adj.渐新世的;渐渐统的
1. METHODS: Mitochondria from fresh guinea pig hearts were isolatedand diluted in buffer that included oligomycin and ATP to inhibitATP synthesis.
新鲜的豚鼠心肌线粒体经分离并稀释于含寡霉素和ATP 的缓冲液中以抑制ATP 的合成。


2. METHODS: Mitochondria from fresh guinea pig hearts were isolatedand diluted in buffer that included oligomycin and ATP to inhibitATP synthesis.
新鲜的豚鼠心肌线粒体经分离并稀释于含寡霉素和ATP 的缓冲液中以抑制ATP 的合成。
