parietal lobe

英 美
  • n. [解]顶叶
  • parabasis n.(古希腊喜剧演出中插在剧情间的)合唱队主唱段
  • parable n.寓言;比喻
  • parabola n.[数]抛物线
  • parabolic adj.抛物线的;比喻的;寓言似的
  • parabolical adj.抛物线的(用比喻说明的)
  1. that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying below the crown of the head

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. But Newberg also found decreased activity in the parietal lobe, one of the parts of the brain that helps orient a person in three-dimensional space.
    2. For this purpose, we returned to our monkeys to record their parietal neurons under varying conditions.

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