pass across

英 美
  • 横穿
  • pas de deux n.(芭蕾)双人舞;两者关系
  • pasch (犹太人的)逾越节(见圣经《出埃及纪》12章27节),逾越节用来祭神的羔羊
  • paschal adj.逾越节的;复活节的
  • pascual adj.牧场的长在牧场的.
  • pase n.躲闪(斗牛士的一种动作)
  1. make a passage or journey from one place to another;

    "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;"
    "Some travelers pass through the desert"

    1. The car suddenly veered across the road.

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