
英 美
  • n. [药]喷妥撒(钠)
  • pent adj.被关押的;被禁锢的动词pen的过去式和过去分词形式.
  • pentacid adj.[化]五价的
  • pentacle n.五角星形
  • pentad n.五个一组
  • pentagon n.五边形Pentagon:五角大楼(美国国防部).
  1. barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic

1. Methods Procaine intravenous anesthesia was administered after ketamine basal anesthesia, pentothal sodium induction and intubation.
方法氯胺酮基础麻醉后, 硫喷妥钠诱导经口气管插管静脉普鲁卡因复合全麻.

