petit bourgeois

英[ˌpeti'bʊəʒwɑː] 美[ˌpeti'bʊrʒwɑː]
  • 小资产阶级的
  • bourgeois n.中产阶级的人;资产阶级的人adj.中产阶级的;追求名利的;资产阶级的
  • petit adj.小的;次要的;琐碎的
  1. a member of the lower middle class

  2. lower middle class (shopkeepers and clerical staff etc.)

    1. We still have to wage a protracted struggle against bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology.
    2. In our educational work we must explain that in its social origin individualism is a reflection within the Party of petty-bourgeois and bourgeois ideas.
