
英['fɒsfeɪts] 美['fɒsfeɪts]
  • 磷酸盐
  • PHO 波;abbr.;=PublicHazardsOffice公害局
  • phoba (复phobae)惊毛(昆虫)
  • phobanthropy 人恐怖
  • phobe -felinophobic,hydrophobia(拉丁语后缀)异常恐惧或害怕-惧猫症,狂犬病
  • Phobetron 巫刺蛾属
名词 phosphate:
  1. a salt of phosphoric acid

  2. carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid

    1. As calcium concentration increases and phosphates are injected, the probability of precipitation increases.
    2. So the phosphates in stewed meat products were overstep standard,since the excessive additive through the production process.