
英['paɪldr'aɪvər] 美['paɪldr'aɪvər]
  • 打桩机
  • PIL n.药丸=pill.PIL.abbr.程序实施语言(=ProcedureImplementationLanguage)
  • Pil. [医]丸剂
  • Pila [医]柱(如骨内的小梁)
  • PILAC =PulsedIonLinearAccelerator脉冲式离子线性加速器
  • pilacerores n.柱蜡孔
名词 pile driver:
  1. a machine that drives piling into the ground

    1. The marine pile driver has a hydraulic hammer.
    2. His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work.