
英[ˌpaɪə'nɪərɪŋ] 美[ˌpaɪə'nɪrɪŋ]
  • adj.先驱的;开创的动词pioneer的现在分词形式.
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 开创的
    2. 首创的
    3. 先导的
    4. 开拓性的
    5. 先驱性的
    6. 探索性的
    7. 先驱的
    8. 开创性的
    1. 动词pioneer的现在分词形式


动词 pioneer:
  1. open up an area or prepare a way

  2. take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of

  3. open up and explore a new area

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. You have a pioneering attitude to life, always moving onto the next challenge.
    2. They stand as a monument to America's pioneering spirit, as well as its scientific prowess.
    3. A British surgeon has carried out a pioneering operation to restore the sight of a gorilla who was born blind.
    4. Her softly-spoken manners are deceiving however, and her modest style belies a robust pioneering spirit.