"the airplane cabin is pressurized"
"pressurize a space suit"
increase the pressure in or of;
"The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort"
用作及物动词 (vt.)
It is up to the leaders of the world to come together and stop the killing of whales and pressurise countries that are killing whales to stop doing so. 这是向世界各国领导人走到一起,并阻止屠杀的鲸鱼和施加压力的国家,都属于杀人鲸停止这样做。
In his most high profile speech since the election, the president-elect ratcheted up the rhetoric to pressurise lawmakers who are threatening delays to his stimulus package. 在大选以来最受瞩目的一次讲话中,这位当选总统加重了语气,从而对那些威胁拖延他提出的刺激方案的立法者施加压力。