productive force of labour

英 美
  • 劳动生产力
  • force n.武力;暴力;力量;影响力;力量大的人或(事物);权力;(为某目的组织起来的)一群人;军队;部队;武装力量;警察部门;力;风力v.迫使;强迫;强制;使发生;强装(欢笑);人工催长
  • labour n.劳动;劳工;分娩v.努力;干苦力活;困难吃力地行进;反复说明Labourn.(英国)工党
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • productive adj.生产的;有成效的;多产的
    1. When we use foreign industrial know-how to raise our labour productivity, we are making foreign things serve the needs of China.
    2. State governments are left scrabbling to appease rural disgruntlement rather than investing in efforts to lift the productivity of land and labour.