put oneself out

英 美
  • 努力;费神
  • elf elf:小精灵;淘气鬼;恶作剧的人;恶人.abbr.极低频(=extremelylowfrequency)abbr.电子定位器(=ElectronicLocationFinder)abbr.一种为Linux系统所采用的通用文件格式;支持动态链接(=excutivelinkedfile)
  • out adv.出;在外;完prep.向外;在外面v.出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份
  • put v.放;安置;使处于;提交;记下;表达;出发;开航n.推铅球;期货买卖
    1. You must work hard to ride out a storm.
    2. The soldiers were all out drilling.
    3. She likes to keep herself to herself and never puts herself out to help others.
    4. Quite right, that kind of jigsaw puzzle that can piece out various interesting figures, now, needn't take great energy to cut out again, you can play with it on the computer!