quadratic programming

英 美
  • 二次最优化,二次规划,二次计划
  • programming n.程序设计;[电脑]编程;节目编排动词program的现在分词.
  • quadratic adj.二次的n.二次方程式;二次方程式论
    1. With the restriction of water demand and supply, the objective function optimal value was calculated by sequential quadratic programming.
    2. Usually the method transforms the quadratic programming to the linear programming by the fact that any two norms are equivalent in the Euclid space.
    3. With the restriction of water demand and supply, the objective function optimal value was calculated by sequential quadratic programming.
    4. Usually the method transforms the quadratic programming to the linear programming by the fact that any two norms are equivalent in the Euclid space.