
英['ketʃwə] 美['ketʃwə]
  • n. 盖丘亚族(南美印第安人的一大分支);盖丘亚族人;盖丘亚语
  • queasily adv.令人恶心地
  • queasiness n.恶心
  • queasy adj.反胃的;恶心的;不稳定的;不安的
  • quebecois [单复同]n.;(加拿大)魁北克人;讲法语的(加拿大)魁北克人
  • quebracho n.南美产漆树科乔木;其木材;树皮
  1. a member of a South American Indian people in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Inca empire

  2. a community of South American Indians in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Incan Empire

  3. the language of the Quechua which was spoken by the Incas

1. Language: Spanish and Quechua are the official languages, and Aymara is widely used.
语言: 西班牙和克丘亚语为官方语言, 通用阿伊马拉语.


2. Aymara, Quechua and other Native Americans were used as labor in these efforts.
阿依马拉族 、 克丘亚族与美洲其他原住民多沦为开采劳工.

