quiescent condition

英 美
  • 静态
  • quibbling adj.诡辩的;吹毛求疵的n.诡辩;吹毛求疵动词quibble的现在分词形式.
  • quibblingly adv.吹毛求疵地;推诿地
  • quiche n.乳蛋饼
  • quichua n.盖丘亚族(南美印第安人的一大分支)盖丘亚族人[语]
  • quick adj.迅速的;快的;机敏的adv.迅速地;快
    1. These are created from the laboratory-cultured descendants of normal body cells by activating four usually quiescent genes.
    2. The leaching characteristics of coal gangue in acid rain and water under the condition of static and dynamic state have been studied.

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