range finder

英 美
  • n. 测距仪
  • rancher n.大牧场主;大牧场工人
  • rancheria n.墨西哥牧者的住房;印第安人村落
  • rancherie n.(加拿大西部的)(印第安人)居留地
  • ranchero n.大牧场主(大牧场工人)
  • ranchette n.小牧场;小农场
  1. a measuring instrument (acoustic or optical or electronic) for finding the distance of an object

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Moe has a grass shearer in his mouth and ultrasonic range finders to keep him from crashing into things.
    2. In fact, Swarovski is the only one who could produce full range of optical products like binoculars, telescopes, rifle scopes, night vision devices and laser guides.

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