raw chamois skin

英 美
  • 鹿皮
  • chamois n.岩羚羊;羚羊皮(=chammy;shammy)
  • raw adj.未加工的;生的;原始的;湿冷的n.触到某人的痛处
  • skin n.皮肤;外皮;皮囊n.惊讶;生气vt.剥皮;削皮;贴皮;蹭破皮;击败
    1. The costume consists of a dark flannel shirt,a wide leather belt,buck - skin breeches,and leather boots.
    2. Drawing back his head and gazing far from beneath his veiled eyelids he saw the bright fawn skin shine in the glare, the braided drums.