
英['reɪzəbæk] 美['reɪzəˌbæk]
  • n. 狭尖的背脊;剃刀鲸;尖背野猪
  • raza n.(美国墨西哥人的)种族意识
  • raze v.夷为平地;摧毁;消除;抹去
  • razee n.拆除上层甲板的船vt.削减;删节
  • razings 被毁建筑
  • razon n.VB3导弹
    n. (名词)
    1. 剃刀鲸
    2. 尖削的背脊
    3. 尖背野猪
    4. 野生或半野生的猪
    5. 尖削的山脊
    6. 剃刀的锋口
    7. 鲜明的分界线
    8. 紧急关头
    9. 美国制造的潜艇
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 背脊狭尖的


  1. a mongrel hog with a thin body and long legs and a ridged back; a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds; found chiefly in the southeastern United States

  2. any of several baleen whales of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin

  1. having a sharp narrow back;

    "a razor-backed horse"
    "razorback hogs"

1. President Clinton responds: " These aren � � t just ordinary pigs , actually . They are pure Arkansas Razorback Pigs! "
海军陆战队员回答说: “ 是的,总统, 非常漂亮的猪,总统! ”


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The climb up to the mountain, around hairpin turns and over razorback ridges, with mountain tops tumbling away in every direction, is awe-inspiring.
    2. Whenever Woolly Razorback blocks, remove an ice counter from it.
