real-time disposing

英 美
  • 实时处理
  • disposing v.清除;处理掉;解决;杀死;打败
  • real adj.真实的;真的;正宗的;真正的;名副其实的;实际的;现实的;不动产的adv.非常n.真实;雷阿尔(昔日西班牙等地的货币)
  • time n.时间;时代;时期;倍;次数;节拍v.为…安排时间;计时;[体]在某一时刻击球adj.时间的;定时的;分期(付款)的;定期的
    1. A few trigger detection algorismsfrequently to be used in the real time processing system of seismic data are introduced.
    2. The experiment results show that the proposed method is better than that of Vilarino, et al, for different input images and it also has real time processing speed.