
英['rektɪfaɪərz] 美['rektɪfaɪərz]
  • 整流器
  • gear n.传动装置;齿轮;排挡;工具;装备v.调整;使适应于;以齿轮连起
  • off adv.表示状态的关闭或离开prep.离开;在...之外adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的v.离开;脱下
  • reel v.卷;绕v.眩晕;旋转;蹒跚n.卷筒;线轴
名词 rectifier:
  1. electrical device that transforms alternating into direct current

  2. a person who corrects or sets right

    1. Rectifiers are the critical components in a smelter potline.
    2. However, the current in the nanoantennae oscillates at a rate of trillions of cycles a second, which is beyond the range of existing rectifiers.