
英['rezɪnz] 美['rezɪnz]
  • 树脂
  • res n.电阻器
  • res-bag 复苏器械包
  • Res-Q 锰苯克合剂
  • res. (=rescue)复苏,援救,救护,(=resect)切除,(=resection)切除(术),(=reserve)储备物,储量,保存,(=resident)住院医师,固有的,居住的,(=resina)(拉)树脂,(=resistance)抵抗力,阻力,电阻,抗(药)性,(=resolution)分解,分辨,溶解,消退,(=respiration)呼吸(作用),(=restricted)受限制的,约束的
  • RESA =ScientificResearchSocietyofAmerica美国科学研究学会
名词 resin:
  1. any of a class of solid or semisolid viscous substances obtained either as exudations from certain plants or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules

    1. Acrylics may also be modified with other resins.
    2. The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners.