
英[rɪst'reɪnə] 美[rɪst'reɪnə]
  • n.抑制的人;限制器;抑制剂;酸洗缓蚀剂
  • res n.电阻器
  • res-bag 复苏器械包
  • Res-Q 锰苯克合剂
  • res. (=rescue)复苏,援救,救护,(=resect)切除,(=resection)切除(术),(=reserve)储备物,储量,保存,(=resident)住院医师,固有的,居住的,(=resina)(拉)树脂,(=resistance)抵抗力,阻力,电阻,抗(药)性,(=resolution)分解,分辨,溶解,消退,(=respiration)呼吸(作用),(=restricted)受限制的,约束的
  • RESA =ScientificResearchSocietyofAmerica美国科学研究学会
  1. a chemical that is added to a photographic developer in order to retard development and reduce the amount of fog on a film

  2. a person who directs and restrains

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. As in chemical reaction, the operating counseling could be a catalyzer when it is well applied, while it could be a restrainer when being misused.