right to vote

英 美
  • n. 投票权
  • riga n.里加(拉脱维亚共和国首都)
  • rigamarole n.冗长的废话;胡言乱语
  • rigatoni [单复同]n.;[食]波纹贝壳状通心粉
  • rigaudon n.=rigadoon
  • rigescence n.僵化(生硬;刻板化)
  1. a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment;

    "American women got the vote in 1920"

    1. Associate members do not have the right to vote.
    2. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
    3. Having no vote; denied a vote or the right to vote.
      无投票权的没有投票的; 被剥夺投票或投票权的
    4. The constitution was amended in1920 to give women the right to vote.

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