ring current

英 美
  • 环电流
  • rinderpest n.牛疫
  • rindless adj.无外皮的;无外壳的
  • rindy adj.有外皮的;有外壳的
  • rinforzando adj.突然增强的;特别加重的adv.突然增强
  • ring n.戒指;环;圈;拳击场;马戏场;帮派n.铃声;钟声;电话;口气v.包围;环绕;形成圈v.打电话;回响;鸣响;按铃;听上去
    1. This phenomenon, the defining feature of geomagnetic storms, resulted from the rapid growth of the ring current.
    2. Since fulvenes show no evidence of ring currents, the chemical shifts of the protons will be found in the normal definite region.

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