rough diamond

英 美
  • n. 未经加工的天然金刚石(浑金璞玉)
  • roucou n.[植]胭脂树;从其果实采取的黄红色染料
  • roue n.放荡者;享乐者
  • rouge n.胭脂;红铁粉vi.搽胭脂
  • rougeetnoir n.纸牌赌博之一种
  • rougeot n.葡萄藤红叶病
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. CVD diamond thick film is a pure diamond material with full polycrystallinity synthesized by chethecal va-por deposition method.It can be in a thick sheet form of freestanding.
    2. In this paper, the high performance of diamond film coated tools were expounded by testing the property of diamond film coating with SEM and comparision with natural diamond.