savings bank

英['seɪvɪŋzbæŋk] 美['seɪvɪŋzbæŋk]
  • n. 储蓄银行
  • sava 萨瓦河[南斯拉夫北部]
  • savable adj.可救助的;可储蓄的;可节省的
  • savage adj.野性的;凶猛的;粗鲁的;荒野的;原始的n.野蛮人;粗人;凶恶的人vt.激烈抨击;猛烈攻击
  • savage act 暴行
  • savagely adv.野蛮地;残酷地
  1. a thrift institution in the northeastern United States; since deregulation in the 1980s they offer services competitive with many commercial banks

  2. a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home;

    "the coin bank was empty"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I keep my money in a savings bank.
    2. The expansion postal savings bank fords the agriculture business scope.

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