
英[s'kɔːrɪŋz] 美[s'kɔːrɪŋz]
  • 骨生长残痕
名词 scoring:
  1. evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score

    1. The score was20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice.
      上局积分是20比10, 我们队大有获胜的希望。
    2. A tied score in tennis in which each player or side has 40 points, or 5 or more games, and one player or side must win 2 successive points to win the game, or 2 successive games to win the set.
    3. The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?
      《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》, 那还有什么好说的呢?
    4. That pig will weight4 score, dead weight.