self-adaptive mesh

英 美
  • 自适应网格
  • adaptive adj.适合的;适应的
  • mesh n.网孔;网状物;罗网;[机]啮合vt.使匹配;以网捕捉;使啮合vi.被网缠住;互相协调;啮合
  • self n.自己;本性;自我pron.我自己;你自己;他或她自己adj.始终如一的;同一类型的;性质不变的v.近亲繁殖;自花授粉
    1. A technique of nonstructured triangular mesh generation which is easy to be incor-porated in the technique of self adaptive mesh refinement is developed.
    2. A combined characteristic-based split algorithm and an adaptive meshing technique for analyzing two-dimensional viscous incompressible flow is presented.