
英['selfkɒntr'əʊlɪŋ] 美['selfkɒntr'əʊlɪŋ]
  • 自律
  • dual adj.双重的;成双的n.双数
  • matrix n.矩阵;发源地;基质;母体;子宫;(人或社会成长发展的)社会环境、政治局势;线路网;道路网;[地]杂基;矩阵转接电路;唱片模板
  • self n.自己;本性;自我pron.我自己;你自己;他或她自己adj.始终如一的;同一类型的;性质不变的v.近亲繁殖;自花授粉
名词 self-control:
  1. the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses

  2. the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior

    1. I certainly doubt the quality and reliability of the battery self replacement as normally the battery cell contacts will be spot-welded instead of soldering.