send people to heaven

英 美
  • 度人
  • heaven n.天空;天堂Heaven.n.上帝
  • people n.人;人民;人们v.使住人;居住于
  • send vt.发送;派遣;使处于...的状态;放出;运输vi.差遣;发出;传送
  • to prep.对于;为了;(表示方向)到;向;(表示间接关系)给adv.(表示方向)去;(门)关上
    1. Chu Yin-chiu was very good at guessing other people's thoughts by his own.
    2. Like these cult founders, Li Hongzhi has also predicted the imminent end of the earth and that he alone can postpone the explosion of the earth and send people to the heaven.