service life

英 美
  • n.运行寿命;工作期限寿命;耐用年限;服务年限;使用寿命;有效寿命;使用期限
  • life n.一生;生命;生活;人生
  • service n.服务;发球;服役;公务部门;礼拜仪式;(车辆、机器等定期的)维修v.保养;维护;提供服务;支付(借款)利息
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Data that focus not on age but on length of service give similar results and confirm that the frequency rate of work accidents decreases with length of service.
    2. The machine's life is very long.
    3. Brand new bearing prolongs the service life.
    4. The disk space required by a snapshot depends on how many different pages in the source database are updated during the life of the snapshot.