
英['ʃædɪnɪs] 美['ʃeɪdɪnɪs]
  • n. 有阴影的情形;可疑;暧昧
  • shaba n.沙巴区(扎伊尔行政区名;旧称加丹加省)=Katanga.
  • shabbat n.(犹太教)安息日(亦作Shabbos;Shabbas)
  • shabbily adv.衣衫褴褛地;不体面地;卑鄙地
  • shabbiness n.衣衫褴褛的样子;不体面;卑鄙
  • shabby adj.破旧的;寒酸的;低劣的,无耻的;卑劣的
  1. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body;

    "it is much cooler in the shade"
    "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"

  2. of questionable honesty or legality;

    "they acted with such obvious shadiness that they were instantly recognizable"
    "the shadiness of their transactions"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. It is one of the approaches to reveal the history of forepart Qin to identify the credit and shadiness of the tales.

