The design of the range finder is targeted on high precision and little blind area. 超声测距仪表的设计以达到高精度小盲区为目的。
The comprehensive treatment of the moving spatial blind area in urban crime is really a effective way for the urban anticrime in public traffic means. 移动空间是一种很特殊的空间实体,存在许多犯罪盲区的致盲因素。
Click on a shaded area to get more detailed information about crime in that area. 点击一个阴影区,以获得更多的详细资料,犯罪这方面的工作。
A small blue circle centered on the ecliptic outlines the extent of the dark region of the shadow or umbra. 月食影像中央有一个蓝色小圆圈表示阴影区或是本影区。