
英['sɪbɪlaɪn] 美['sɪbɪlaɪn]
  • adj. 预言的;预言性的;神秘的
  • sibb adj.近亲的;有血缘关系的;亲属的n.亲属;家族成员;亲戚
  • sibbing n.西宾
  • siberia n.西伯利亚(苏联亚洲部分的一区域)
  • siberian adj.西伯利亚的n.西伯利亚人
  • sibilance n.[语音]齿擦音性;丝丝声
  1. resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy;

    "the high priest's divinatory pronouncement"
    "mantic powers"
    "a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions"

  2. having a secret or hidden meaning;

    "cabalistic symbols engraved in stone"
    "cryptic writings"
    "thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. In these sibylline leaves are gathered the scattered prophecies of the past upon the cases in which the axe will fall.
