side road

英 美
  • n. 旁路
  • sid abbr.电离层的突然骚扰(=suddenionosphericdisturbance)
  • siddhartha n.悉达多(佛教创始人释迦牟尼的本名)
  • siddhi n.(通过超脱静坐等而获得的)神功(如洞晓他人心思的能力或隐身能力)
  • siddown [用于祈使语气]=sitdown[口语发音拼式]
  • siddur n.西都尔(犹太教所用的祈祷书)[字面意义:order]
  1. a minor road branching off of a main road

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. But in this period, I found that there is also a road, a dusty small bypass on the other side of the cannel which goes in parellel with this one.

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