single drum dryer

英 美
  • [化]单滚筒(式)干燥器
  • drum n.鼓;鼓状物;鼓声vi.击鼓;连续敲击;引起兴趣vt.灌输;击鼓;逐出
  • dryer n.吹风机;干衣机;干燥剂=drier.
  • single adj.单一的;单个的;特指某人或某物;单身的;单人的;单程的n.单程票;单曲;单人房间;单身者;一元纸币;(网球)单打比赛;(板球)一分打;(棒球)一垒打v.挑选(一个)
    1. After the start-up time of the dryer, purging of the system may commence.
    2. Major potential problem areas include aseptic removal of the BPC from the centrifuge, manual transfer to drying trays and mills, and the inability to sterilize the dryer.