single well

英 美
  • 单井
  • single adj.单一的;单个的;特指某人或某物;单身的;单人的;单程的n.单程票;单曲;单人房间;单身者;一元纸币;(网球)单打比赛;(板球)一分打;(棒球)一垒打v.挑选(一个)
  • well adv.很好地;相当地int.好吧;啊adj.健康的;良好的;适宜的n.井;源泉;楼梯井v.涌出
    1. In addition, the interlayer interference coefficient can be estimated by calculating flow coefficient variation in single wells.
    2. Field test data proves the reliability and adaptability of water shut-off tools.In views of reservoir engineering, it analyzes single well and areal water shut-off effect.