
英[sɪtʃ'ʊeɪʃnz] 美[sɪtʃ'ʊeɪʃnz]
  • 现状
  • east adj.东方的adv.向东方n.东方;东部
  • in prep.在...里;在...地方;在...期间;在...方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式adv.在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中adj.在里面的;新来的;执政的;时髦的n.当权者;影响;达成目标的路径
  • middle adj.中等的;中间的;中期的n.中间vt.放在中间;把...对折
  • situation n.形势;局面;位置;职位;处境;状况
  • the art.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越...越...
名词 situation:
  1. the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time- Franklin D.Roosevelt

  2. a condition or position in which you find yourself

  3. a complex or critical or unusual difficulty

  4. physical position in relation to the surroundings

  5. a job in an organization

    1. The article discussed the present economic situations and developing problems of Guang Dong nationality area for the new period.
    2. Simply leaning on inviting several senior foreign coaches cannot fundamentally change the current situations of Chinese football.