
英[s'kaɪw'eɪv] 美[s'kaɪw'eɪv]
  • 天波
  • jacker n.千斤顶;插座;船首旗;男人;公畜vt.用千斤顶顶起;抬高n.杰克(男子名)n.扑克牌里的Jn.水手;侍者
  • sky n.天空;天气;天国v.把...投向空中;将…高挂
名词 sky wave:
  1. a radio wave that is reflected back to earth by the ionosphere or a communications satellite; permits transmission around the curve of the earth's surface

    1. On striking the earth, the sky wave bounces back again.
    2. We need to install a space wave transmission set-up here.