small coal

英 美
  • 粉煤
  • smacking adj.活泼的;令人爽快的;发出轻爆声的n.掌掴声动词smack的现在分词形式.
  • smacksman n.smack的船员
  • smalite 高岭石
  • small adj.小的;年幼的;少的;不重要的;小气的adv.小地;小块地;小声地n.狭小部分;(pl.)零星物品;(pl.)小件衣服
  • small amount 小批量
    1. The trial and industrial practice demonstrate that blast furnace pulverizing coal injection lead extraction process is successful and effective.
    2. The technology of coal powder spurted burning is applied in the annealing furnace for low carbon steel wire heated with coal powder.

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