smash up a monopoly

英 美
  • 打破垄断
  • a art.一(个);每一(个);任一(个)n.英语字母表的第一个字母;学业成绩得优者;表示“最好”的符号
  • monopoly n.垄断;独占;专利;控制
  • smash v.打碎;粉碎;猛撞n.破碎;撞击;轰动的演出;[网球]高压扣球adj.极为成功的
  • up adv.向上;起来;上升;往上prep.向上adj.向上的;上行的n.上升v.上升;增加
    1. The treaty broke the attempted monopoly of Baltic trading routes by the Hanseatic League.
    2. Now we are reforming the system of China's telecommunications industrv and trying to break the monopoly and encourage competition.