solid gold

英 美
  • 赤金,纯金
  • solaceful adj.充满慰藉的;带来安慰的
  • solacet n.索勒赛特(偶氮染料的专利商标名)
  • solan n.[动]塘鹅
  • solanaceous adj.[植]茄属的
  • solander n.索兰德盒(一种放文件、标本等的书状盒)
    1. One has a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold!
    2. "A science fiction cannot not be regarded as a mere entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much more."
    3. On Huaihe Lu, we find, in this established gold jeweler's, the price of either pure gold articles or bullions remains unchanged.

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