sound velocity

英 美
  • 声速
  • soubise n.苏比斯调味汁(一种由洋葱和黄油制成的调味汁)
  • soubresaut n.(芭蕾舞)原地直腿跳
  • soubrette n.轻浮女人
  • soubriquet n.绰号;诨名=sobriquet.
  • soucar n.(印度的)银行家;放债人
    1. Mach two equals twice the speed of sound.
    2. "A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not.
    3. The plane is flying at the velocity of sound.
    4. As the velocity in the nozzle throat is sonic, the effect must be transmitted upstream through the boundary layer.

sound velocity的相关资料: