
英[s'pɑːkɡ'æp] 美[s'pɑːkɡ'æp]
  • n.火花隙n.火花放电器;辟雷器
  • chute n.斜槽;泻物架;瀑布;降落伞v.用斜槽进料
  • spark vi.闪烁;冒火花;热情回应vt.激发;引起;向...求爱n.火星;朝气;情人;俗丽的年轻人
名词 spark gap:
  1. a component of an ignition system; consists of two shaped electrodes and the space between them

  2. the gap between two high-potential terminals

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Interestingly, these T-R cavities employ old-fashioned spark gaps, complete with ozone smells and crackling sound tones.